Sitting On The Fence

“For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his life? Or what will a man give in exchange for his life?“ – Matthew 16:26

In 1 Kings 18:21, Elijah challenged the people to decide who they were going to follow; God or Baal. We need to decide the same thing. There is no doubt in these troubled times something in the spiritual realms is happening.

We must decide whether we are going to live for God, live for the world, or sit on the fence. And when sitting on the fence, we are actually choosing not to follow God. We cannot be wishy-washywavering between two options and not sold out to anything.

Revelation 3:16 says

“So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

If we believe in God, it can be easy to become a fence sitter if we are not careful. In choosing things that align with the world, we can gradually lose ground and drift farther and farther away from God. Some of the things we choose are not so small, and some of the things can become big obstacles to living wholeheartedly for God.

Culture wants us to be okay with same-sex marriage, abortion, and gender changes. But God is looking for those of us who will follow hard after Him. He doesn’t want us to be sort of in or sort of out. He wants us totally and completely. We need to be continually checking our spiritual temperature to make sure we aren’t growing lukewarm towards Him.

One thing that shows our spiritual condition is what we are willing to stand for and sacrifice for God. Abraham in Genesis was ready to sacrifice Isaac for God.

How much more do you love God, are you willing to give up listening to music or television that glorifies sex, or violence?

I love my ice cream. I could eat an entire quart with no problem. But I need to get to the point where I can love God more than those extra servings of ice cream.

The Bible is clear about many things to stay away from, like being a drunkard, and a glutton. God also warns us of the danger of using witchcraft and mediums and how Satan uses witchcraft to deceive and destroy.

This is not intended to be a debate about alcohol, overeating or sex. It is intended to prompt you and me to check our commitment level. If we truly love Jesus, then nothing else will even come close to being as important to us as following Him and doing His will.

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